Hi church,
This week, we'll continue with the Lenten practices we began last month. On Sunday morning, we'll meet at
Jammin' Java for another go at repenting of our lame and tame ideas about Jesus through listening freshly to his words. This time we'll look at what many call the parable of the unjust judge - but I like to think of it as a story of one reLENTless widow. Don't miss meeting her at 10am.
Afterward, we'll once again give up our customary Chipotle burritos (donating what we would have spent to a friend who can use it) and gather at
Tina's and my house for simple fare - or possibly not-so-simple fare, depending on the success of our...uh...(sub)urban
gleaning. (There will be non-gleaned options for the squeamish.)
In addition, please don't forget that our service-worship for this month is ongoing, and centers around the newest, smallest, and most red-haired Commoner, Cyrus Julian Doan, born six days ago as I write this! Over the course of the next few weeks, we'll be coming around our friends the Doans as they celebrate (and recover from!) the birth of their newest boy. We're looking for folks to bring hot meals, and for some adventurous souls to take the older boys (apparently, that includes Sam as well ;-) out to show them some fun times as the family finds a new equilibrium. So best wishes to one of our favorite families, and if you'd like to help out, please
sign up here to bring a meal or get in touch with our
GNU Team for more deets. The Doans would love to see you, and take it from me, you want to meet CJ. He is most adorable. :-)
Finally, please note that a wonderfully full and busy weekend is just a week away:
On Friday, March 7, people from all over the country will be converging on Washington, DC to advocate for peace as we remember the anniversary of the War in Iraq. Some of us will be a part of a gathering of some friends of
emergent at historic New York Avenue Presbyterian Church at noon, followed by a processional as we gather with other faith communities at the Capitol at 2:30. More information on the larger event can be found
That same evening, some of us will be gathering in Vienna to experience some
Deep Shift with Brian McLaren and friends. This event will continue on Saturday, March 8, as well.
And since they'll be in town for both of the above events, our friends
The Cobalt Season asked if they could join us for our gathering on Sunday morning, March 9. Their music and message should make a wonderful complement to our Lenten series, and we're honored to have them aboard. Just don't forget that Daylight Saving Time begins that same morning - set your clock ahead and don't miss it!
And that's all, as far as I know. Seems like plenty to me!
Mike Croghan
Labels: Cobalt Season, Deep Shift, Doan, lent, peace, service-worship
It'll be a bit of a quiet week 'round the Table this weekend, as we forgo more centralized activities to put our words to work and serve one another.
A few of us will be headed to the National Cathedral to hear
Jim Wallis on Sunday morning, when he'll be talking about the changing political and religious landscape all around us. If you're interested, you can find more information
In addition, over the course of the next few weeks, we'll be coming around our friends the Doans as they celebrate (and recover from!) the birth of their newest boy, which happened just a few minutes ago! We're looking for folks to bring hot meals, and for some adventurous souls to take the older boys (apparently, that includes Sam as well ;-) out to show them some fun times as the family finds a new equilibrium. So best wishes to one of our favorite families, and if you'd like to help out, please get in touch with our
GNU Team.
Mike Stavlund
Dear Church:
We'll be meeting at
Jammin' Java at 10am this week, to continue our Lenten look at Jesus and his confounding teachings. This week, we'll dive into the collection of parables in Matthew 13, and see how they might upend our view of the world, and our lives, and even of Jesus. So bring your Bible, and your seatbelt.
Too, please mark you calendar for a wonderfully busy weekend in March:
On Friday, March 7, people from all over the country will be converging on Washington, DC to advocate for peace as we remember the anniversary of the War in Iraq. Some of us will be a part of a gathering of some friends of
emergent at historic New York Avenue Presbyterian Church at noon, followed by a processional as we gather with other faith communities at the Capitol at 2:30. More information on the larger event can be found
here.That same evening, some of us will be gathering in Vienna to experience some
Deep Shift with Brian McLaren and friends. This event will continue on Saturday, March 8, as well.
And since they'll be in town for both of the above events, our friends
The Cobalt Season asked if they could join us for our gathering on Sunday morning, March 9. Their music and message should make a wonderful complement to our Lenten series, and we're honored to have them aboard.
Mike Stavlund
Labels: Cobalt Season, Deep Shift, lent, peace
Dear Friends:
As Lent begins today and we remember afresh our frailty and sinfulness, we look forward to the Sundays to come and their new theme. For the next few weeks, we'll be engaging in repentance and reconsideration of ourselves and our lives by taking a fresh look at Jesus. But we won't do this by exploring some innovative idea, or revealing some new theological or historical insight. Instead, we'll do it by looking in plain sight; by exposing ourselves to the very familiar teachings of Jesus. Each week, we'll look at some of his words which for 2000 years have been venerated but often not deeply considered. By reminding ourselves of how much we don't understand about Jesus, and the many ways we neglect to follow his teachings, we hope to embody the penitential season ahead. And, at the same time, we want to gather together in mutual encouragement, to remind ourselves of Jesus' great patience, acceptance and love for everyone, even and especially those who don't 'get it'.
And the embodiment doesn't stop when our meeting is over, oh no! A couple of years ago, The Great Maggie (who is currently CEO of CT's satellite office in suburban Detroit) suggested an idea that stuck: to honor the traditional call of Lent by sacrificing our beloved post-church Chipotle. As in the last couple of years, we'll instead be gathering at the home of one of our members to share some very simple (which is to say, very, very cheap!) food each week. If you're visiting with us, we'd be happy to add you to the caravan, or to give you a ride!
Hope to see you this Sunday, starting at 10am at
Jammin' Java.
Mike Stavlund
Labels: Jesus, lent