On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Monday, June 25, 2007


June 25 through July 1

Hi church,

The two Spiritual Formation groups will both be meeting this week - "64" on Tuesday evening at Mike Stavlund's place, and the contemplative practices group on Wednesday evening at Mike Croghan's place. Contact the appropriate Mike for the skinny on either group.

This Sunday, July 1st, we'll gather at Jammin' Java for the first in our summer series of worship services, in which we'll use short films as a catalyst to challenge and inspire each other about living into and out of the Kingdom, and invite God's inspiration too. We'll begin the series by watching and discussing a film called "Tackle Box," which presents an interesting take on the effect an authentic, passionate life can have on others.

After the worship service, we'll have a short congregational meeting at Jammin' Java, to discuss the path forward in regard to our financial situation. If we get to talkin' until we're wearing out our welcome at Java, we'll retire to someone's home (TBD) to carry on the discussion.

And that's it for this week, I think. Enjoy it!


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Thursday, June 21, 2007


June 18 through June 24

Hi church,

It's the last week of the month, so if we're following our typical pattern (and hey! this month we are!) then it's our weekend for service-worship, when we gather to try to do a little good for a friend in need.

This Sunday morning (the 24th) at 9:00 a.m. (before it gets too warm) we'll be meeting at the home of a dear colleague of Jackie's, Adriana. Our task will be to follow the directions of our capable foreman, Samuel Doan, who has already developed a perfect plan for Adriana's back yard which has an embankment that is difficult for her to mow herself. We'll spread mulch, put in a drain spout, and plant some ground cover. All in all, we're not expecting it to take too long--Sam thinks we can do it in a morning. It would be a good idea to bring some bug spray and sun block. If you're not an outdoorsy person, there are a few small tasks indoors that can be done as well. She lives just up the road from the Bulanows in Herndon: 402 Madison ForestDrive, Herndon, VA 20170. Afterwards, Jack and Pete have graciously invited us to come over for lunch to chez Bulanow for a very informal cook out.

Also, our friends at the simple way community in the Kensington neighborhood in inner-city Philadelphia, and their neighbors, could really use our prayer and support right now. A tragic fire destroyed much of their neighborhood early Wednesday morning, including one of the two main simple way houses, and many of their neighbors' homes and vehicles. Please check their web site for updates, and to find out how to support both the community and the neighborhood as they try to rebuild.

Peace, peace,


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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


June 11 through June 17

Our hearts are heavy this week as we share in the loss of Deanna's dear grandmother, Alberta Schaddelee. We were honored to hear her wisdom directly several years ago when she spoke to our church, and we're praying for her whole family as they say 'farewell' and try to move forward in a world without this dear saint. Lord, have mercy.

There are a couple of Common Table gatherings to note this week:

At various times on Saturday, June 16, our spiritual formation (Beer+) groups will be meeting. If you'd like more information, you can ask a member of the Leadership Team, or submit a request to our iTeam to be added to the Beer+ googlegroup.

We will finish our Fire series with a flourish on Sunday, June 17 at Jammin' Java. Some of the more musical members of our group will be leading us, and we'll also be adding some spoken word as we consider the ways in which, like fire, our pursuit of God and his Kingdom can be beautiful and chaotic and scary and indescribable and often uncontainable. Hope you can join us at 10am.


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Wednesday, June 6, 2007


June 4 through June 10


Here is what's going on this week:

Design Team Meeting, Friday, June 8, 7:00 PM, Bulanow Home: The Design Team will be meeting on Friday evening to begin pulling together ideas for our summer series, which will use films to explore our faith and spirituality. This will be a family-friendly time, so feel free to join us!

Worship Service, Sunday, June 10, 10:00 AM, Jammin' Java: We'll continue our "Fire" series on Sunday by looking at how fire is used in our communication with God, sometimes from God to us and sometimes from us to God.

Enjoy the rest of your week,
Deanna (with links by Croghan)

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